Why quality is our priority

In recent times, you can order just about anything for only a few bucks on various online shops. That’s great! … Right?

Not entirely. Many shops cut corners – many corners – to get to such prices. Some of these include:

  • Outsourcing to other countries/factories
  • Using intrusive marketing & tracking
  • Using sub-par and/or toxic/unhealthy materials
  • Using minimal material by making parts hollow entirely (Causing weak parts)

Just to name a few…

Many of these companies are not transparent about how their products are made, and do not care for the health of their customers due to the unhealthy and/or toxic materials they use. One example is Apple, who outsources their production to various factories, but which may have issues with working conditions. Here at Laserology, we actively choose to share information about how we make our products, and the materials we use. We try to publish as much information as we can when available and when we have time to write an article (It’s hard sometimes!).

Outsourcing isn’t always bad though. Outsourcing to trusted companies in areas with good worker protections laws can be a good thing, as it creates jobs for people, and gives them decent working conditions, at the same time allowing you to keep moving forward with your own product and not have to worry about your own production facilities.

However, as we do not outsource our work as of current, our quality can also come with a heavier cost. As we start up our business, we hope that our customers understand why some things may cost more than they would potentially expect. With our price, comes a high barrier for people to accept the cost and order the product they want, but in the long term, would be worth it, as we make our products as well made as we can, and use only genuine name-brand components for our electronics. One example is our upcoming electronics related product, which has $35 in just material costs, excluding our own work, time, and energy. These components are purchased from specific manufacturers which are trustworthy and have factories and distribution centers in Europe and the USA. (First electronics product coming soon by the way! Expect to see it some time in the coming week.)

One example of quality in our products, is first hand experience by our selves. We personally use our own products, both for their use, and also to test our quality. We do this regularly every day on many of our products, such as our engraved cups.

In conclusion, quality has a higher than average cost, but is worth it due quality having a lasting effect and a guarantee that what you bought will work for years to come. We encourage you to try one of our products to see and feel the quality for yourself. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to hear more from us!


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